Monday, February 25, 2008

Web Technologies For Home Based Businesses

Thanks in large part to new Web technologies, the Australian-two-up program is seeing a resurgence and new interest by online companies looking to help people start their own profitable home-based businesses.

How it works

With the Australian two-up system, you give your first two sales to the person who brought you into the business. However, you are then "qualified", and are entitled to the the first two sales of anyone you sign up directly in the business.

That's quite powerful, however here is where it starts to get interesting. Anyone you sign up begins a new "profit line". Everyone below you in that profit line (and I mean everyone!), no matter how far down the line, gives you their first two sales. Think about that for a second and see if you can begin to understand why the Australian-two-up system has such powerful profit potential.

Why to use caution when looking for a two-up system

In the early 90s when the Australian-two-up system was starting out, its high earnings-potential was realized by less than scrupulous people looking to make a fast buck on the net. These companies (mainly gifting-systems and pyramid-schemes), made a lot of money before many were found and shut down. But you can still find a few Australian-two-up system's today on the net that are not working within the law. So it is essential to use caution before joining any two-up system. Off-shore, even on-shore, rip-off artists are still out there ready to take your money if you let them.

Why you might want to take a fresh look at the Australian-two-up system

The Australian-two-up system online started in a simple fashion, with basic web pages composed of text and pictures put up by companies eager to make a profit any way they could. That was the early days of the Australian-two-up system but like most things on the Web things soon began to go through a technological metamorphosis.

Now we are seeing companies, usually selling downloadable electronic products, with web sites that employ state-of-the-art Flash video presentations, audio presentations, online conferencing, interactive help, full-blown marketing materials, and the list could go on. This is "Australian-two-up system 21st-century style". And it's in this arena that you should work if you are going to join one of the growing online companies using the Australian-two-up business model.

Not only are these companies conducting business above board, and consequently keeping you and themselves above the law, they will allow you, even if you have few to no business skills, the chance to run an extremely profitable online business from your home without the normal headaches of a conventional business.

Because of new online technologies you will no longer need to go knocking on doors, recruiting your family and friends, giving late-night presentations to strangers, or any of the other inconveniences that used to plague old style MLM businesses.

All you should need, if you decide to join a company using the Australian-two-up system, is basic marketing skills. Everything else should be done for you. There should be no selling, explaining or showing. Just get people to the website you are promoting and the technology should take over. And good companies offer their members a host of marketing tools and know-how in the back office.

Your future...

The Australian-two-up system is a relative new kid on the block, but if the companies and members using it today are any indication of what is to come, its future looks about as bright as a summer's day in Sidney. So if you do decide to take a look at it, don't forget to bring a beach towel, sun hat, and a long, cool drink.