Monday, March 31, 2008

Web cameras

I have to give it up for technology. Just when I think things are getting good, something even more amazing hits the market. I can still recall when cable high-speed Internet was new and all the rage. The first time I tried it I was astounded. Holy moly; could the World-Wide-Web really move this fast? I had been so accustomed to dial-up. Suddenly I was spoiled rotten with my new cable service. Not too long down the road, web cameras were everywhere. Pretty much everyone was buying a webcam to attach to their desktop PC. Why? Well, the reason is obvious. Now we could see the folks we were chatting with. This was an awesome nuance. Then before we knew it, the high-tech webcam was being used for something else. Something not so innocent. I guess good wholesome use was too much to ask for.

There is a major downside to the Internet and the peripherals we routinely make use of. Some deviant characters are using them for exploitation of minors, fouls broadcasting, and countless other ways to make cash. It seems kind of funny, but every time something is created, some folks will look for negative ways they can take advantage of it. Advanced web cameras are no exception. While they work great for business meetings, and friendly chatting, they can also be used in a criminal fashion. The sad part is that there's no way around this. We simply have to learn to accept the bad with the good.

More and more web cameras are becoming a standard part of PCs and Macs. I noticed that the latest Mac notebooks have the web cameras built in. This is outstanding. Naturally the prices of these machines went up as well. But that's to be expected as machines and gadgets are updated. If you're looking to purchase any web cameras, you may want to start with Virtually everything you can imagine is found on this vast auction website. In all likelihood you'll find web cameras at a lower cost when you shop on EBay. Just remember when you do and don't have you webcam turned on. If you saw "American Pie," you surely know what I mean.

Internet marketing online

How many ways can you ponder to use the World-Wide-Web? It seems when it comes to cyberspace, there are simply no limitations or boundaries. We all take advantage of this technology in a variety of different ways. Whether you're signing up for an online bank account, snagging a free email address, or merely surfing the web, net-land continues to offer more and more. Now days people even take their businesses online. Yep, there are a number of online companies that pull in gargantuan profits. With a PC or Mac at your side you can accomplish virtually anything. From simply creating your own website to Internet marketing online, it's all at your fingertips. It's time to take advantage of cyberspace, folks. This is a contemporary vehicle to cash.

Have you ever considered Internet marketing online for a personal business? If you really sit down and do the math, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the possibilities. While marketing your skills or products in the physical world can get a tad redundant and burdensome these days, taking your spiel to cyberspace makes complete and total sense. Just think, with Internet marketing online you can appeal to a much broader audience. Isn't that what everyone with something to sell is after? Access to the Internet is equal to having access to the world. A close friend of mine uses Internet marketing online for his home-based computer hardware business. Although he is based out of California, his cliental is not limited to that area or state. With Internet marketing online he is able to expose his business and products to the entire planet. Can you fathom the difference in revenue? Six billion potential customers is a lot better that six million. It's all about who you can reach. People are always searching for the best products and best deals.

Are you striving to expand your business? Maybe it's high time you considered Internet marketing online. It's imperative to get your product and/or service seen by all. This is the absolute key to earning capital. Hop online today and learn more about Internet marketing online. Get that personal business on track with the help of your home computer. There truly is a sea of opportunities out there. All it takes is a little effort and surfing down the Internet highway.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Web Based Call Centres Render Customer Services And Solutions

Web based call centers form one of the top solutions for customer interaction using the latest technologies. These are call centers utilizing web based technologies to advertise products or services provided by a company. They are mainly focused on incoming calls.

Call centers transformed into dot com companies or engaging in web-based customer care solutions is the cheapest solution for web based trading or e-commerce. As the name indicates, call centers communicate mostly via telephone. Nevertheless, many centers realize the importance of using the web. Together with call center facilities, web sites can handle trading services smoothly. It is seen that 40% of call centers partially or completely use web based customer care services.

One of the benefits of web based technology is that the Internet provides endless business transactions, regardless of incoming and outgoing contacts. In most virtual relationships, a customer and a service consultant usually end up telephoning each other. Using the web can link them in a consistent and continuous manner. Reliability and speed make web based call centers a more convenient resource for obtaining business information. The Internet allows companies to meet customer expectations and bring about rapid solutions to their demands. Instant answers are a major benefit of using the Internet. Here, every customer has the privilege to comment on customer services. Many companies receive at least a quarter of a million hits a week on a web site. It helps firms to search for the status of orders and respond to client requirements or comments in a quick, cheap and fair way.

For financial companies, highly secure, web based call centers are key solutions to their operations. Web technologies allow segmentation facilities for their parent business establishments. Banks that employ web technology can build an intelligent routing path that directs each client call to particular representatives. It is also useful for developing a systematic customized delivery. Also, downloadable fund reports and marketing kits save a web based company from spending on the mailing of paper copies.

Traditional Organizations Managing Web Technologies

Recent finding show that Traditional Organizations have difficulty in adapting Web 2.0 technologies*. Web 2.0 technologies like Wikis, Social Media, User Generated Content, etc. are radically different and traditional organizations are not structured to take advantage of these emerging technologies. In my view there are 3 main reasons why Web 2.0 will have difficulty penetrating traditional corporate world.

Flow of Ideas

In a traditional organizations, ideas flow in unidirectional fashion. It’s the management that decides on a business strategy and motivates their employees to implement or work towards that strategy. Information flow is also controlled by the management. Conventional corporate wisdom says that employees do not need to understand all the complexities behind running the business. It’s revealed on a ‘need to know’ basis.

In Web 2.0 world, ideas do not follow any rigid preset direction. The information freely flows and that in turn generates relevant and big ideas. Any individual with a great idea can galvanize and create an ecosystem as well as momentum around that idea.

Power Structure

In the traditional organization, the power structure is vertical and top down. The manager can influence how and what the employees can work on. Hierarchy is mainly predisposed. Top executives are supposed to be smarter than middle management. Middle management is supposed to be smarter than individual contributors. This hierarchal power structure gives management a sense of direction as to where to take their organization.

In Web 2.0 world the power structure is horizontal. The person with the greatest idea can influence how and what to work on. Community of resources agreeing with that person, will come together to organize themselves to execute the idea. Also, there is no concept of hierarchy in the Web 2.0 world. In fact, this lack of hierarchy makes it all that powerful.

Employee Incentives

In the traditional organization, the employee who is smarter or better gets promoted. That generates an environment of competition between the employees. This pyramid structure in the organization leads to vicious politics. Power and Control are the only ways the employer can reward an employee.

Web 2.0 technology triggers people to collaborate rather than compete. The best ideas come as multiple people come together to co-operate and add value. Instant international recognition is what motivates individuals in Web 2.0 culture. These three diametrically opposite forces between traditional organizations and Web 2.0 technology is the main reason, why traditional organizations will struggle to use it successfully. Today’s organizations have to radically restructure to fully leverage Web 2.0 technologies.